9 people were confirmed dead, but a full search was delayed after the building’s roof collapsed and many remained missing inside. Officials said 40 or more people had been inside. Up to 40 people may have died after a massive fire broke out during a late-night party in a warehouse that housed artist studios in Oakland. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said urgent enquiries were being made to determine if any Australians were involved in the accident.

Bob Mule, an artist who lives at the warehouse, said that He was downstairs about to start painting when he smelled burning. He said the building was quickly consumed with smoke, and that an artist in the cubicle next to him began shouting for help.It was too hot, too much smoke, I couldn’t see him. I had to get out of there. I hope he’s OK.I literally felt my skin peeling and my lungs being suffocated by smoke. I couldn’t get the fire extinguisher to work. 

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