KSHMR will return to India to debut his live experience show on the occasion of Holi. KSHMR will be joined by a 7 person orchestra, including keyboard, violin, viola, cello, flute, trombone, and taiko drum, with traditional Indian dancers on stage for a fully interactive and immersive show. The event will see all proceeds go to Saturday Art Class to promote holistic education for the children of Mumbai, a charity KSHMR is keen to give back to. KSHMR launched his charity event KARMA to crowds of over 15k in Delhi, playing the night before Diwali in 2017.

“I’m excited to return to India and give back to the country that’s given me so much. There’s beautiful work being done by the Saturday Art Class to help Indian youth and I’m hoping the proceeds from our show help their great cause”

Popularly known as the festival of colors, or the festival of love, Holi festival signifies the arrival of spring, the end of winter, the blossoming of love and for many, a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive and repair broken relationships. KSHMR aims to unite people of all backgrounds and share universal music and bring the KARMA live experience to India at such a special time to celebrate the festival.

KARMA Live Mumbai 2020 proceeds will go to charity Saturday Art Class, a unique educational organization wherein art and imagination is used to promote holistic education and value development for children in government and low income aided schools across the city of Mumbai. A curriculum that has been quintessentially designed to instill the important values and life skills through the expression of art, something which is very close to KSHMR.

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