Justin Bieber faces arrest in Brazil for illegally spray painting graffiti on a Rio hotel’s wall in 2013, now with Justin Bieber back in the country after 4 years for his purpose tour, the case which was shut down previously has now again be reopened. JB is set to perform in Rio on March 29 and San Paulo on April 1st and authorities have now reopened his case and will officially notify him of the charges when he arrives in the country.
The 23-year-old was charged with ‘crime against the city order and cultural heritage’ for vandalising the Hotel Nacional. He is thought to have written ‘Bielibers 4 life’ and ‘respect privacy’ on the wall of the £23million hotel. The penalty for defacing a building in Brazil can result in up to a year in jail or a fine.
There will be a court clerk waiting at the airport for the “Sorry” crooner to arrive, and once he does, he will be asked to sign papers confirming he’s aware of the case against him. They will also recommend he hire a defense attorney, as they plan to question him about the incident and pass a sentence before he leaves again.
Rio’s Public Prosecution Service gave a statement to a magazine, which reads: ‘With the news that the singer will be returning to Brazil, the Prosecution Service requested that the court issue a writ of summons in his name the request is so that the accused is made aware of the charges.’
Hope everything goes right with the Canadian Pop Star and India get to see the much-awaited tour of Justin Beiber as he is set to perform here in India in the month of May
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