As December is approaching and no sign of announcements from Sunburn Festival team about their venue announcement and lineup, our little birdies told us, despite of all the issues & concerns, Sunburn might happen in Goa.

Yes, you read it right, the whole situation has taken a 360 degree turn and the climax is like a typical Bollywood flick. When we all thought that Sunburn Festival have to find a new home in some other state, with many states keen on capitalising the tourist attraction which the festival offer and with Goa government taking a tough stand on hosting any outdoor EDM event during the peak season in December. But as they say, the one who last in a battle see the sun, the same have happened to the Sunburn Festival organisers, with Vh1 Supersonic moving out of Goa and announcing Pune as their new home, things seem to have changed a little bit. We recently heard some Goa government officials making statement that “they don’t see any issue in hosting a single EDM event as there won’t be any concern for security or other key concern area. The only concern as of now is that Goa is set to host elections in February and code of conduct might be effective in state from December onwards”. 

If somehow there is a way to tackle code of conduct under special conditions, Sunburn Festival will see another year in Goa and this time without any competitors. Now that’s like coming out as a winner from nowhere. A Couple of days ago, we posted that Maharashtra government is supporting in every sense to Sunburn to bring this yearly festival to their state. Now we just have to wait for few more days to get officially announced either Goa or Maharashtra.

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