Good news ravers!!

The Government of Goa is going to pass a bill that will extend the timings of the noise ban across the state. Meeting held on Monday, discussed for improvement of infrastructure in the tourism, especially toilets and changing rooms.

This means some more music, more party, and more fun. People head Goa to enjoy and experience its vibes of nightlife. But the night life of Goa has been badly affected due to noise ban after 11 in the coastal belt. And Cavelosim wants to host an EDM festival, but the Tourism Minister festivals want them to be drug-free.

But this new bill shall extend the timings, thus we all can enjoy more.

Although even if the ban is removed major festivals, will not come back to GOA, at least this year. Sunburn and Vh1 Supersonic both have already announced their dates and location for this year and next year