The craze of Electronic Music is growing up day by day. The music is made electronically by using different types of Syntherzisers and Digital instruments like electronic guitar etc. The fashion of electronic music was started from 19th Century were an Italian Futurists explored sounds that had not been considered musical. The electronic music was realized at the early 1960s in America & Europe.

Modern Electronic Music evolution has changed from Music Synthesizers to Digital Audio Workstation which basically produces the same kind of sounds using a DAW software. DAWs are inspired by many music producers, helps them to make their own sound and creating their own culture.

“The concept for a studio to create electronic music was birthed by composers Werner Meyer-Eppler, Robert Beyer, and Herbert Eimert, who for years had brainstormed the technical requirements of the challenge,” explained Google.


Check out how Electronic Music evolves from the past: