Burning Man has only just happened , sometime ago.Now , its getting geared up for the 2018 edition already! 2018 edition of the world’s most popular gathering will be sci-fi inspired.Burning Man announced its 2018 theme on Wednesday, “I, Robot,” a theme inspired by the 1950 collection of short stories published by author Isaac Asimov.

This theme focuses on various degrees of artificial intelligence in human life Burning Man founder Larry Harvey and Stuart Mangrum said ““This year’s art theme will focus on the many forms of artificial intelligence that permeate our lives; from the humble algorithm and its subroutines that sift us, sort us and surveil us, to automated forms of labor that supplant us. Are we entering a Golden Age that frees us all from mindless labor? Everything, it seems, depends on HMI, the Human-Machine Interface. In a world increasingly controlled by smart machines, who will be master and who will be the slave?”


SOURCE : The Burning Man Journal.